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<p class="section-title col-features-title">Over 50,000 players enjoy our plugins every day</p>
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<p class="section-text col-xs-12 col-md-10 col-features-subtitle">Discover the plugins that give you freedom to create,
design, and develop your server the way you want it.</p>
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<center>The Most Popular Plugins on AdvancedPlugins</center>
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<center>This is what our users download the most!</center>
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<a href="/item/AdvancedEnchantments.1" style="text-decoration:none;">
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<!-- 5.0 <i class="fas fa-star"></i>
27.7k <i class="fa fa-solid fa-download" ></i>
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<a href="/item/AdvancedEnchantments.1">AdvancedEnchantments</a>
<span class="itemv2-version" >
9.15.9 </span>
<div class="col align-self-end itemv2-prices d-flex justify-content-end" style="padding-left: 0px;margin-left:0px">
<span class="oldprice" style="font-size:12px !important;"><strike>30.00€</strike></span>
<span class="oldprice" style="color: var(--success) !important;">19.99€</span>
<div class="sellingItem-author">
<a href="">AdvancedPlugins</a>, <a href="">Plugins</a>
<div class="item-description mb-2 mb-md-0" style="padding-top:12px;font-size:12px!important;">
450+ Custom Enchants - Create Your Own Enchantments - Enchantment Table & Anvil Support - 20+ Items </div>
</div><div class='col-md-4' style='padding: 0 5px 0 5px;'>
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<a href="/item/BattlePass.11" style="text-decoration:none;">
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6k <i class="fa fa-solid fa-download" ></i>
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<a href="/item/BattlePass.11">BattlePass</a>
<span class="itemv2-version" >
4.9.2 </span>
<div class="col align-self-end itemv2-prices d-flex justify-content-end" style="padding-left: 0px;margin-left:0px">
<span class="oldprice" style="font-size:12px !important;"><strike>25.00€</strike></span>
<span class="oldprice" style="color: var(--success) !important;">14.99€</span>
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<a href="">AdvancedPlugins</a>, <a href="">Plugins</a>
<div class="item-description mb-2 mb-md-0" style="padding-top:12px;font-size:12px!important;">
The most advanced quests plugin, with 50+ Quests - Create your own - GUI Editor - Keep players active - Daily & weekly Quests </div>
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<a href="/item/AdvancedSeasons.185">AdvancedSeasons</a>
<span class="itemv2-version" >
1.6.17 </span>
<div class="col align-self-end itemv2-prices d-flex justify-content-end" style="padding-left: 0px;margin-left:0px">
<span class="oldprice" style="font-size:12px !important;"><strike>20.00€</strike></span>
<span class="oldprice" style="color: var(--success) !important;">12.99€</span>
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<a href="">AdvancedPlugins</a>, <a href="">Plugins</a>
<div class="item-description mb-2 mb-md-0" style="padding-top:12px;font-size:12px!important;">
Experience dynamic seasons in Minecraft with Advanced Seasons, the most immersive seasons plugin available. </div>
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<a href="/item/AdvancedModels.194" style="text-decoration:none;">
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<!-- 5.0 <i class="fas fa-star"></i>
465 <i class="fa fa-solid fa-download" ></i>
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<a href="/item/AdvancedModels.194">AdvancedModels</a>
<span class="itemv2-version" >
1.3.8 </span>
<div class="col align-self-end itemv2-prices d-flex justify-content-end" style="padding-left: 0px;margin-left:0px">
<span class="oldprice" style="font-size:12px !important;"><strike>20.00€</strike></span>
<span class="oldprice" style="color: var(--success) !important;">14.99€</span>
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<a href="">AdvancedPlugins</a>, <a href="">Plugins</a>
<div class="item-description mb-2 mb-md-0" style="padding-top:12px;font-size:12px!important;">
25+ Furniture - Create models in Minecraft using Blockbench without resource pack - EULA compliant - Best Donation Perk </div>
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<!-- 5.0 <i class="fas fa-star"></i>
790 <i class="fa fa-solid fa-download" ></i>
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<a href="/item/AdvancedSkills.191">AdvancedSkills</a>
<span class="itemv2-version" >
1.5.0 </span>
<div class="col align-self-end itemv2-prices d-flex justify-content-end" style="padding-left: 0px;margin-left:0px">
<span class="oldprice" style="font-size:12px !important;"><strike>20.00€</strike></span>
<span class="oldprice" style="color: var(--success) !important;">12.99€</span>
<div class="sellingItem-author">
<a href="">AdvancedPlugins</a>, <a href="">Plugins</a>
<div class="item-description mb-2 mb-md-0" style="padding-top:12px;font-size:12px!important;">
14+ Skills - 30+ Talents - Create Your Own Skills - Extremely Optimized - Player Classes - MMO RPG </div>
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<a href="/item/AdvancedChat.188">AdvancedChat</a>
<span class="itemv2-version" >
1.8.7 </span>
<div class="col align-self-end itemv2-prices d-flex justify-content-end" style="padding-left: 0px;margin-left:0px">
<span class="oldprice" style="font-size:12px !important;"><strike>30.00€</strike></span>
<span class="oldprice" style="color: var(--success) !important;">19.99€</span>
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<a href="">AdvancedPlugins</a>, <a href="">Plugins</a>
<div class="item-description mb-2 mb-md-0" style="padding-top:12px;font-size:12px!important;">
Revolutionize Your Chat - AI Chat Moderation, Chat Formatting, Chat Games, Custom Commands & more! </div>
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AdvancedPlugins</a>, <a href="">Plugins</a>
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